Plans for 2024
Peace Country Gleaners Society Fundraiser Auction at PCGS Yard Site --> May 25, 2024 10:00 AM
Directions: From Main Street La Crete 1 mile east on 94 Ave., Turn south, second yard on the left.
In support for our Non-Profit Organization where we grow and dehydrate vegetables (such as beets, carrots and potatoes) for the poor, we ask that you please donate your Equipment, Vehicles, Household goods, or whatever you may have that you don’t need to our Fundraiser Auction.
In order for La Crete Auction Mart to get a list out of available items, please let one of the following contacts know what you will bring.
Breakfast by donation from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Auction starts 10:00 AM
For more information contact:
Andy Zacharias – LAM @ 780-841-4294;
William Zacharias – PCGS @ 780-926-6644;
Henry Friesen, PCGS @ 780-841-1894
Abe Wiebe, PCGS @ 780-841-1999
(posted April 23/24)
Plans for 2023
Peace Country Gleaners Society Fundraiser Auction at PCGS Yard Site --> June 3, 2023 10:00 AM
Directions: From Main Street La Crete 1 mile east on 94 Ave., Turn south, second yard on the left.
In support for a non-profit organization, processing dried vegetables for the poor, please donate your Equipment, Vehicles, Household goods, or whatever you may have that you don’t need.
In order for La Crete Auction Mart to get a list out of available items, please let one of the following contacts know what you will bring.
Breakfast by donation from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Auction starts 10:00 AM
For more information contact:
Andy Zacharias – LAM @ 780-841-4294;
William Zacharias – PCGS @ 780-926-6644;
Henry Friesen, PCGS @ 780-841-1894
Abe Wiebe, PCGS @ 780-841-1999
(posted April 28/23)
Plans for 2022
Peace Country Gleaners Society Fundraiser Auction on May 29th
raised nearly 34,000.00!!!!
A big thank you to everyone who donated items for the auction, helped to prepare breakfast and lunch and donated funds or helped in any other way!
All of this is very encouraging to PCGS and helps feed some of the hungry people in our world as we provide dried soup ingredients.
For your donations this year, please consider us!
(posted July 11/22)
Peace Country Gleaners Society Fundraiser Auction at PCGS Yard Site --> May 28, 2022 10:00 AM
Directions: From Main Street La Crete 1 mile east on 94 Ave., Turn south, second yard on the left.
In support for a non-profit organization, processing dried vegetables for the poor, please donate your Equipment, Vehicles, Household goods, or whatever you may have that you don’t need.
In order for La Crete Auction Mart to get a list out of available items, please let one of the following contacts know what you will bring.
Breakfast by donation will be available from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Lunch will be provided for sale by Peace Country Gleaners.
For more information contact:
Andy Zacharias – LAM @ 780-841-4294;
William Zacharias – PCGS @ 780-926-6644;
Henry Friesen, PCGS @ 780-841-1894
On behalf of all the needy people in the world, Peace Country Gleaners Society would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with seeding, weeding, harvesting and processing the produce.
We would also encourage anyone with a little extra garden space to grow extra produce for processing at our facility.
For information on growing produce contact:
Henry Friesen: 780-841-1894; Kathy Friesen 780-841-1887;
William Zacharias 780-926-6644; Abe Wiebe 780-841-1999
(posted April 6/22)
Plans for 2021
Our “planned” building addition is COMPLETED!!

(posted Sept 23/21)
Donations this year have been exceptionally generous and so we have exceeded our fundraising goal by a significant amount!
This will enable us to upgrade our building and equipment to serve much more effectively in the future; do not let the generosity of others discourage your giving but rather be encouraged to continue to support PCGS. As a board we are very grateful for each volunteer and donor.
Our “planned” building addition is well on the way to being completed; the much needed tractor has been purchased at a local auction and some potato harvesting and processing equipment has been purchased a Ritchie Brothers auction.
A hearty thanks from the PCGS board!!
(posted Sept 4/21)
We are planning to add a 60’ x 60’ addition to our processing building. This is for cold storage (with a concrete floor; this will enable us to use our electric forklift) so that all our empty barrels and unused pallets are stored in a dry location.
Also for our planting and harvesting we are needing a 110 hp tractor.
Our regular planting, weeding, harvesting and processing activities will continue through out the year.
Peace Country Gleaners Society Fundraiser Auction on May 29th
raised just over 60,000.00!!!!
A big thank you to everyone who donated items for the auction, helped to prepare breakfast and lunch and donated funds or helped in any other way!
All of this is very encouraging to PCGS and helps feed some of the hungry people in our world as we provide dried soup ingredients.
For your donation, please consider our plans for 2021!
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